Roy & Stacie Bundy (435)230-2930 Hugo, Oklahoma
Running Bred Quarter Horses, NALC Catahoulas, Australian Shepherds

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Our Dogs
Here at Bundy Ranch we raise and sell the kind of stock dogs that we like to use ourselves.  Now, you might think that Australian Shepherds and Catahoulas make an odd combination, but we really love both breeds.  They are both very similar and very different at the same time.  They do things totally different but they compliment each other.  The Aussies are more trainable while the Catahoulas are more fearless and aggressive.  Both are great family dogs but each needs plenty of exercise and activity.  The Mini Aussies have all of the same great traits as the standard Australian Shepherd, they just come in a smaller package making it easier to have them as pets.  They still have the drive and desire to work stock and are a great fit for people with small backyard farms or ranches.  Look around and see what dog will fit your own needs the best!!